Thursday, August 29, 2013

Helping calm your baby

      Help calming your baby.
It’s tough when your baby won’t stop crying. You may be worried that something is wrong with your child, that you’ll lose your cool, that your parenting skills aren’t up to the job, or that you’ll never connect with your baby. But you can handle it! Learning the right techniques can help soothe an upset, unresponsive, or colicky baby while keeping you calm and in control.

  •  Keep your cool
  • your baby can sense if your in a bad mood.
  • bouncing with the baby always helped with me.
  • Swings are my best friend.

Late night feedings

Being prepared is key.
I have a side table with food and diapers ready for when she is.
To get your baby to fall back asleep right after feeding was easy for me.Here is what I did.

I only had a night light on no bright lights, I changed her first then feed her she would normally fall asleep after eating. Keep it quite, When babies hear talking they think its play time so they wake up. I would burp her over my shoulder, She would cuddle up against me and fall asleep. Just try these steps they worked great for me.

  1. Be prepared (side table helps).
  2. Keep it dark (nightlight).
  3. keep it quite (noises mean playtime).
  4. Change diaper first.
  5. feed your baby.
  6. Burp over shoulder.
  7. Let baby fall asleep on your chest.
  8. Put baby back in bed.
  9. Mommy go back to bed.

I hope these tips are helpful to you and your bundle of joy! Best of luck to you and your sleeping beauty.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tips you will need.

                    Tips for mommy survival...

My most important tip is, A happy baby is a happy mommy! That is the truth. When my little angel is smiling and calm so am I.

Tips 1-10
  1. A happy baby is a happy mommy
  2. Don't be afraid to ask for help (no one will judge).
  3. Ask your pediatrician questions that's what there are there for.
  4. Set a schedule early so you get more sleep, And your baby gets on a routine.
  5. A hot bubble bath can really help with stress built up (I know you have stress).
  6. Take a million pictures of you babies forget what other people say.
  7. Have a sitter or your husband follow you and your babies schedule when your not there.
  8. Never wake a sleeping baby.
  9. Always focus on the positives with being a mommy.
  10. Make time for yourself.
These are my top 10 tips (hope they help)...