Sunday, October 13, 2013

essentials for the first year? My list.

Products your baby will need. (In the first year)

Baby clothes. Size newborn you don't need as much as you think sometimes you don' t need any at all. but you can't tell until you have the baby. Always have the next size up ready babies grow really fast. It's better to be prepared and have to many then not enough.

Hats and mittens. A warm hat in the winter that covers her ears and a floppy hat for summer, I always use a hat after bath time to keep my babies head warm. Mittens are always good to have so your baby don't scratch herself and her hands stay warm. 

Pajamas/Sleepers. I have a million PJs my daughter loves them she plays with the designs on her feet. A must have if you as me.

Swaddle. I never used one i tried but my daughter found a way out of  them. So I just made sure she had warm clothes on and was close to me. Swaddles are good but I don' t think a must have but others disagree so that's why it's on my list.

Diapering. Never run out of diapers or wipes. It's a priority to stay stocked with them. I Use LUVs them seem to work best for me no rash and it never leaks. You need diapers and wipes. 

People say you need a changing table but if you can't afford it don't worry i survived without one and I was fine I got a cheap blanket laid it on the floor or table and presto. No need to spend money if you don't have to.

 Baby gear. 
My number one item is CAR SEAT. You can't even leave the hospital without one. 
My next is stroller your baby needs to see the outdoors.
I think a walker a Boppy and a bouncer are the must have for toys.

 Breastfeeding and bottle feeding.
Breastfeeding accessories: Lanolin ointment (available in many drugstores) can help relieve sore nipples. And hot/cold gel packs, which fit inside your bra, can soothe swollen or sore breasts. It's normal for your breasts to leak while you're nursing, and disposable breast pads – or reusable, washable ones – will keep you and your shirts nice and dry. Also a Boppy feeding pillow.

Bottle feeding: Bottles (6 to 12), Burp clothes, Formula, Bottle cleaning brush (2), Bibs.

Feeding(4 to 6 months)
Highighchair: one that is easy to clean and has wheels are the best.
Bowls and spoons: Some people like bowls with suction cups on the bottom, they help bowl falling off the highchair. Spoons should either be plastic or have a rubber tip.
Bibs: About 3 to 5.
Sippy cups: For easy drinking without spilling...

Baby soothers, Toys, and entertainment.
Pacifier: I have 10 to 15 which is alot. I say about 5 to 8 you will need.
Books: I love reading to my baby books are a must here are books babies love.
Toys: Rattles, Musical toys, and soft toys.
Play mat: It helps them learn to lift there head and hand eye coordination.

Crib and mattress: Find one best for you one you like.
Bedding:  All you really need are about three to five fitted crib sheets and perhaps a waterproof crib mattress pad. In fact, the bumpers, pillows, quilts, and soft blankets that often come with baby bedding sets shouldn't go in your baby's crib because they increase the risk of  SIDS.
Blankets: I have at least 8 blankets one for play time on the floor and one for the car. I like to switch it up.
Safety Gates: If you have stairs, invest in safety gates for the top and bottom. You can also use a gate to block off areas of the house that might be perilous, such as the bathroom or your office.
Outlet covers: Exposed outlets are an almost irresistible attraction to curious explorers. Keep them covered
Toliet seat locks: Babies can drown in as little as 2 inches of water, so keep your baby and his toys out of the toilet with a lock.
Cupboard and drawer latches: babies love getting into everything so keep you baby away from chemicals and pots and pans by using a lock.

Health and safety kits.
First aid kit: Always have one with you even a small one for days your on the go babies always are bumping into things and getting into everything so better safe then sorry.
teething toys:Chewing on these help your baby with teething and keeps them determined to get the toy.
Baby nail clippers: I clip my daughters nails twice a week she scratches herself all the time this is a must have...



Saturday, October 12, 2013

Old baby clothes

Exchanging baby clothes for a different size. 

I take mine to a local baby boutique and trade them for store credit. I keep getting clothes from friends that don't fit my daughter, I feel bad that she can't wear them but trading works so you get a new outfit either way.

It's ok to trade clothes as long as the clothes are in great condition..

Friday, October 11, 2013

Baby photography 101

Photography tip for you and your baby. 

Click on picture to enlarge them.

This picture says it all lighting heating and baby...

How to prop the baby so you can take your amazing pictures.

Good luck hope this helped...

Vomiting a lot more then normal.

Sorry I have not posed in a month but no one has asked me about anything until tonight..

Vomiting a lot more then normal...

A friend asked me how i deal with my daughter vomiting almost everything she eats. She said her 2 week old son is doing the same thing. I told her what the doctors told me. 

As long as the baby is gaining weight and seems happy there is nothing to worry about most babies out grow it within a few weeks some it takes months it just depends.

My daughter is still doing it at 4 1/2 months olds and it just doesn't seem normal to me but the doctors ran tests and they found nothing.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Disposable bottles

I switched bottles today from stinky old bottles to playtex nurser drop-ins. So far they are an amazing bottle. I suggest them to moms who are always doing something and don't have much time to wash bottles. Hope this helps.

Thickening baby food.

I have to put thick it in my daughters food due to throw up but I don't thick it really helps its just a pain. Most of the time the food gets clogged in her bottles and she gets cranky so I'm always poking new holes in the nipples. I finally found one that doesn't get clogged as much. Gerber first essentials. It's my life saver and it still takes a lot of work. So advice to other mothers who have to use thick it try to find a nipple that works best for you right away.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Babys first Halloween.

I have no advice for your babys first Halloween costume. I'm stuck on what I should put my angel in. I love everything and cannot pick. I have a few ideas just nothing solid yet. I do know I'm going to keep it a secret until Halloween. No need to tell everyone just yet.

I'm going to take a million pictures and pick my favorite one and canvas it... I know I'm posting about Halloween early I just want to have everything ready for her. 


Friday, September 6, 2013

Late night hunger for new moms

Every new mom gets hungry in the night. We are waking up every few hours feeding the baby it makes us hungry due to lack of energy. Don't feel bad if all you want to do is eat I was that way. I would snack on little things with high protein like milk and wheat thins. Trust me you'll feel better afterwards. So best of luck with your late night snaking. Don't ever feel discouraged your doing a great job...

P.S. you could even do fruit like bananas or apples. Whatever you prefer.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Top things I couldn't do without

My top things I could not do without as a new mom.
 I have plenty more items I cannot live without like a swing and a car seat but those are obvious things you can't live without so hear are my top items other then the basics.

1. My top thing I couldn't live without is her Boppy Pillow. She uses it for everything, Tummy time, cat naps and just hanging out. This thing is amazing. Thank you Amy for getting me this it was a great gift and I'm truly grateful. I recommend this to all new moms breastfeeding or not.
2. My second best thing a mother could ask for. BOUNCY. It's my best friend it plays music and vibrates. Soothes and entertains while i cook clean or even take a shower without worry.I love this thing it's always being used in my house.
3. Stroller or car seat fan. Amazing for me because I live in Florida. I go fishing alot and this thing keeps her cool and bugs hate the wind so it's a win win in my eyes.I love this I think all moms need this i spent $8 at wal-mart and it takes 2 double A batteries. Best invention in a long time.
4. My number 4 favorite thing is her walker. I didn't use this until she was about 2 1/2 months old but she loves it and is trying to sit up on her own at 3 months. This thing rolls around so she goes where I go when I'm cleaning or relaxing. It keeps her entertained and helps her hand eye coordination.

5. I love this stroller. It's amazing Adjustable seat helps her for when she falls asleep. It's not like any other stroller it moves so much better and it was cheap to. $119 at toy R us. Reasonable price and better then the other strollers. I had two problems with mine. The seat was hard it felt like a board so i put a blanket under her for comfort. Also the tire was flat when I bought it so had to buy a new tube for it. But best stroller for the cheapest price.
6. She loves tummy time on her mat. It's a must have for moms. This is how your baby learns to craw and to lift her head. Most babies hate tummy time but they learn to love it I promise. This pad is amazing it helps with hand eye coordination and learning to craw. It's $24 at Wal-mart. It folds up and comes with a travel case so you can take it to the park or beach. It's a must have.

These are just a few things I couldn't live without. Hope it's the same for you.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Tummy time

I do Tummy time more then recommended But at 3 months my little girl can already lift her head perfect and is trying to sit up by herself.

It also makes her sleepy so when she starts to get sleepy before bed we do tummy time. I know she is going to sleep good and is worn out for the night. I normally get ready for the day while she does her morning tummy time so it helps me to. I recommend extra tummy time to all new moms.

Getting to relax with a newborn

I know It's hard to relax when all you want to do is hold or soothe your newborn, But relaxing will help you spend more time with Him/Her. Give yourself at least 30 minutes even if it's 10 minutes here and there.
  • Paint your Nails 
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Soak your feet 
  • read a book
  • Or If your like me and don't care for that stuff start a blog.

Trust me you want to make time for yourself. I wish I would have took my own advice at first but I'm starting to learn and I'm sharing my experience with you...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Bedtime lotion really works.

Lavender bedtime baby lotion was my best friend tonight. After a long day at work and then going fishing I was tired so was my baby, she fell asleep around 9 woke up to eat around 2am and was wide wake while I was passing out feeding her. I thought about the lotion and wondered if it would help. I rubbed some on her chest and tummy and 2 minutes later she was passed out. That stuff is amazing. I recommend it to every mom.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Helping calm your baby

      Help calming your baby.
It’s tough when your baby won’t stop crying. You may be worried that something is wrong with your child, that you’ll lose your cool, that your parenting skills aren’t up to the job, or that you’ll never connect with your baby. But you can handle it! Learning the right techniques can help soothe an upset, unresponsive, or colicky baby while keeping you calm and in control.

  •  Keep your cool
  • your baby can sense if your in a bad mood.
  • bouncing with the baby always helped with me.
  • Swings are my best friend.

Late night feedings

Being prepared is key.
I have a side table with food and diapers ready for when she is.
To get your baby to fall back asleep right after feeding was easy for me.Here is what I did.

I only had a night light on no bright lights, I changed her first then feed her she would normally fall asleep after eating. Keep it quite, When babies hear talking they think its play time so they wake up. I would burp her over my shoulder, She would cuddle up against me and fall asleep. Just try these steps they worked great for me.

  1. Be prepared (side table helps).
  2. Keep it dark (nightlight).
  3. keep it quite (noises mean playtime).
  4. Change diaper first.
  5. feed your baby.
  6. Burp over shoulder.
  7. Let baby fall asleep on your chest.
  8. Put baby back in bed.
  9. Mommy go back to bed.

I hope these tips are helpful to you and your bundle of joy! Best of luck to you and your sleeping beauty.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tips you will need.

                    Tips for mommy survival...

My most important tip is, A happy baby is a happy mommy! That is the truth. When my little angel is smiling and calm so am I.

Tips 1-10
  1. A happy baby is a happy mommy
  2. Don't be afraid to ask for help (no one will judge).
  3. Ask your pediatrician questions that's what there are there for.
  4. Set a schedule early so you get more sleep, And your baby gets on a routine.
  5. A hot bubble bath can really help with stress built up (I know you have stress).
  6. Take a million pictures of you babies forget what other people say.
  7. Have a sitter or your husband follow you and your babies schedule when your not there.
  8. Never wake a sleeping baby.
  9. Always focus on the positives with being a mommy.
  10. Make time for yourself.
These are my top 10 tips (hope they help)...